Albany 12208 12209

Open Issues: 11 Closed Issues: 8,238 Acknowledged Issues: 221
Watching issues created after: 2016-04-19

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  • 579 New Scotland Ave Albany, NY - New Scotland

    Ever since St. Peter's made a policy of "no smoking" on hospital grounds, their employees have been crossing the street to smoke under the canopies of the businesses along New Scotland Avenue. In doing so, they drop their cigarette butts and gum all over the sidewalk. The business owners have complained to Saint Peter's to no avail.

    This is not only a health hazard for residents walking along the sidewalk and having to breathe cigarette smoke, but going in and out of any business is also unpleasant. The clouds of smoke hover, and customers should not have to be exposed to this unpleasantness. It wasn't so bad when the policy began but this winter dozens of smokers congregated regularly in front of Subway, and yesterday the sidewalks were a disgrace.

    I suggest the city make a NO SMOKING area from the corner of New Scotland at South Manning, to New Scotland at West Lawrence. Punishable by a fine.

    Saint Peter's has a responsibility to create a smoking area for their employees. Their problem should not compromise taxpaying businesses.

  • 53 S Main Ave Albany, NY, 12208, USA - Pine Hills
    53 S Main. Time to start abandoned property processes to new ownership
  • Morris Street At Sefcu Albany, New York - Park South
    For six months, the residents of this area have asked the city to put a stop to AMC valets monopolizing residential parking on both sides of Morris, illegally parking on alternate parking days so we don't get street sweeping, and illegally and dangerously double parking their vehicles (blocking traffic flow) rather than use the parking garage as AMC leaderdhip promised the neighborhood. No one from the city will answer. Why is this allowed and why is no one giving us the courtesy of a response. If we were a higher income street this would have been stopped a long time ago.
  • Other Archived
    56 Glendale Ave Albany 12208, United States - Helderberg
    A youth rides his mini bike up and down the streets all around this neighborhood, pretty much daily. On 8/8 during a block party, he started riding down the dead-end block of Glendale, which was barricaded for the party. My wife said he shouldn’t be riding down the street with all the people and kids, and his response was “I’ll beat the $h!t out of you if tell me hat again.” I have heard he also threatened someone who took a picture of him riding his mini bike with violence. Called the police, but they didn’t even take my wife’s name.
  • Morris Street At New Scotland Ave. Albany, New York - Park South
    Do we need to call the media to receive the courtesy of a response from the city regarding the valet issue allowed to adversely affect an entire area with impunity for a long time now? Someone is buying a load of nonsense given it sounds like the Mayor's Office thinks the valet parking is effecting 3 spaces. Who is telling them that? The office who circumvented tax payers and residential permit purchasers to allow Albany Med to intimidate people out of parking spots, install signs (poured in cement) in residential areas saying, "Valet Parking Only," and open the car doors of legally parked citizens, without permission, to demand they move? This is not effecting 3 spaces. It's effecting parking all around EACH of the kiosks Albany Med has. It's effecting customers at SEFCU who have complained and the employees at SEFCU who get no response from the city or Albany Med. It's effecting customers and employees at CVS because the valets use that entire lot as well and CVS has had to resort to towing at times. Citizens have nonchalantly struck up conversations with the valets who've revealed they are told to use all of the spots on the street and lots rather than the Albany Med garage (which is a complete contradiction of what the Albany Med leadership promised the neighborhood when they wanted support for their expansion). Residents have paid for permits yet struggle to find spaces. Businesses are aggravated because customers are complaining they can't find parking, and when someone does park legally, the valets open their car doors and demand they move because they "get to use all the street spaces." They do this because they can. There is no accountability. It's benefiting someone, but it's not the residents or other businesses and none of our tax bills will be decreased to account for the inconvenience and hardship it's causing hardworking people who just want to be able to park in legal spots on our streets without being overtaken by cars that should be in the parking garage and valets who confront legally parked citizens. There have even been photos on Seeclickfix of how they double park, dangerously blocking driving lanes and still there is no accountability. It's time for Councilman Conti and others to stand up for this community and insist Albany Med use their own parking facilities as promised and to at least give the appearance of giving a care about the neighborhood in which they prosper.
  • 280 New Scotland Ave Albany 12208, United States - Helderberg
    The crosswalk on New Scotland Ave at the intersection of New Scotland and Grove is extremely dangerous for pedestrians. A pedestrian triggered or activated light is needed, as the recent signs that have been installed are not working. Cars are continuously speeding through this intersection when pedestrians are crossing and I’m afraid that someone will be severely injured if hit by a speeding car. As a family with two children under the age of 5, we walk the neighborhood every day, including back and forth to New Scotland Elementary School and are concerned with the lack of a light at this intersection/crosswalk
  • Morris Street At New Scotland Albany New York - Park South

    A valet service has been blocking residential and public parking with orange cones and signs on Morris Street for months and installed a "valet parking only" sign right into the sidewalk in an area designated as residential parking.

    Parking Enforcement is not addressing this commandeering of spaces and the head of Traffic Engineering told Park South residents they were not aware of this issue and did not approve it and it would be addressed. That was weeks ago and the problem continues. The valet drivers refuse to use the parking garages and are taking up street and residential parking all day. A valet staff member even came into SEFCU demanding to know which of their customers' cars were parked alongside SEFCU because they wanted them moved. Who do these people think they are? This is a public street and a residential permit area. Their cones and valet signs are also a driving hazard which has been reported before but not addressed. Albany Medical Center has plenty of garage space and needs to use it. The valet drivers have no right monopolizing necessary public and residential parking. Someone has to stand up to this valet service. Please do your jobs Parking Enforcement and Traffic Engineering or can anyone just put cones and signs in the street and keep people from parking where it's designated they have a right to?

  • Panhandling Archived
    17 New Scotland Ave Albany, NY, 12208, USA - Park South
    I’m solicited 3 times at least on any normal day. Walking to my car, heading to an appointment, out jogging and always while I’m driving. Lark, Madison, Washington, Henry Johnson, Empire State Plaza, Swan St and in front of the Capital Building. Something needs to be done before a scared driver runs a light to avoid them, or worse. It’s embarrassing for a proud city - especially to visitors. Is there a city plan to address this?
  • Morris St. And New Scotland Ave. Albany, New York - Park South

    An Albany Medical Center valet service is monopolozing public parking and bothering people who legally park on either side of the street on Morris at New Scotland. I parked in a public space and a valet immediately approached my car. I shook my head that I did not want valet parking, but he stood at my car door. When I exited my vehicle, he asked me where I was going and how long I would be.

    It's no ones business where I'm going or for how long. I told them this is public/residential parking. They told me my car might get blocked in if I park there, and one of the valets said, I was lucky it was him or I might "get hassled" by other valets for parking (in a residential spot with my residential permit). This feels like pressuring, bordering on harassment. The city needs to reign in AMC. Park South is not their kingdom.

  • Morris St. And New Scotland Albany New York - Park South

    After promising the Park South neighborhood, that it would use its garages and work diligently not to impact community parking, Albany Med has sanctioned multiple valet stands in the neighborhood around the hospital who admit they are not only using all the street parking before even considering the garage, but who are now blocking off street parking with valet service cones. Note from the sign in the photo (far right side) that this valet stand is also blocking designated residential parking on both sides of Morris that is much needed. Albany Med also advertises this valet service and the service refers community complaints to AMC, so it's clear the hospital is fully aware.

    This is also impacting Sefcu customers who have as much right as AMC to find parking to do business. Both sides of Morris (residential parking) are being dominated by the valet service and they also use the CVS lot.

    The answer is NOT to remove the residential parking signs and give one more area of our community over to Albany Med. The appropriate response is to respect and protect our community's rights and for Albany Med to honor its promises and use their garage. If AMC wants to provide valet parking, they need to provide it on their own premises by having patients and visitors pull up onto its own property and valet drivers can take the vehicles to the garage. It's way past time for such encroachments and disregard to be addressed rather than sanctioned by any arm of the city if that is what is happening.

  • Morris Street Albany, New York - Pine Hills
    Since when do valets determine where people can and can't park in Albany? I tried to go to the bank today and pulled into a legal parking space and the valet told me I can't park there unless I'm using valet service and going to the pulmonary office. I told him I was parked in a residential space with a residential permit and was going to the bank and he started following me and calling me rude for parking where I have every right to park. He said, Take it up with Albany Med if you don't like it. They decide what we can do." Where is AMC's accountability? Do they now supersede the Mayor's office? Parking regulations? Citizen rights? The valets and residents are stuck in the middle of a worsening problem that has to be resolved at a different level, and soon we'll have snow emergency parking which will be an even worse problem with AMC using all of these spaces when they have a garage a block away.
  • 23 Parkwood St Albany, NY, 12208, USA - New Scotland
    Sidewalk blocked completely by hedges. When I went to post this seeclickfix said there were already 2 posts regarding it that hadn't been closed. Great work City of Albany.