
  • Spring Garden St Philadelphia, PA - Strawberry Mansion
    The bike lane stripes on Spring Garden St bridge are faded where the bike lane crosses over the 1-76 westbound turn lane for approximately 20-30 feet. This is INCREDIBLY dangerous. I have had four near-accidents with cars at this location, most recently last night. The drivers cannot see the bike lane, which used to be painted bright blue where it crosses into traffic, and is now so faded you can barely see it. They come flying over the bridge and start to veer into the right-hand turn lane, totally unaware that cyclists may be in the lane for 20-30 feet. This should be a high-priority issue in a city with so many new bike commuters.
  • 100 S 44th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 - Cobbs Creek
    The bike lane between Powelton Ave and Walnut St on 44th St is very faded. You can just barely see it, and drivers often treat this street as two lanes, blocking the bike lane. The whole street is in bad shape, but even some stripes painted on it would make a big difference. It's very difficult to navigate on a bike during rush hour.
  • Growing sinkhole Archiviert
    200 S. 49th St. Philadelphia Pa 19139 - Newport News city
    This sinkhole has been paved over a couple of times but always returns. It's on the 200 block of S. 49th between Locust and Chancellor on the east side of the road. There's a traffic barrier stuck into it now, but nothing has been done to correct the problem.